Proxmark3 RFID Kit
Proto Mini NFC hacking. Proxmark3 Kit. Tinker with RFID Gadgets and Systems to learn more!
Proxmark3 Kit
The Proxmark3 kit includes everything you need to get started doing RFID / NFC research in style. It has always been our mission to prevent DOA shipments and so all Proxmark gear is thoroughly tested in-house prior to shipping.
Inside the box you'll find an Enclosed Proxmark 3, LF Antenna, HF Antenna, EM4100, 1 HID 1326 ProxCard II, 1 T5577 tag, 1 Mifare 1K, 1 Mifare 4K, and 1 Mifare Ultralight, 2 antenna cables, and 1 power/communication cable. The Proxmark client software and firmware are open source and available for download. We offer pre-compiled versions that correspond to the current version in use on the board (see the links tab).
The Proxmark is the only SDR targeting NFC and RFID frequencies that is capable of both transmitting and receiving while meeting the timing requirements of most proximity protocols. The Proxmark also provides full control over the radio layer in addition to software support for several higher-level protocols (ex. Mifare).
The LF Antenna enables communication with tags that operate at 125kHz and 134kHz (including HID Prox II, HITAG, and EM4100). The HF Antenna enables communication with tags operating at 13.56Mhz (including Mifare Classic/Ultralight, and iClass).
The Proxmark has proven itself to be an invaluable tool within the research community. Here are some examples of how the Proxmark has been used to perform research:
Proxmark3: The Swiss Army Knife of Security Research
Exploring the NFC Attack Surface
A Practical Attack on the MIFARE Classic
Analysis of the MIFARE Classic used in the OV-Chipkaart project
Potential Misuse of NFC Enabled Mobile Phones with Embedded Security Elements as Contactless At tack Platforms
Outsmarting Smart Cards
Evaluation of the feasible attacks against RFID tags for access control systems
The Proxmark also makes a great educational tool. The entire platform (including hardware and software) is open source and can be readily analyzed and inspected. The Proxmark includes many of the major components found in a general purpose SDR but is simpler and therefore easier to understand. Faculty members should contact us about educational discounts if interested in incorporating the Proxmark into a course of study.
Naked Proxmark3, Enclosed Proxmark3, LF and HF Antenna can be purchased separately. Please email for more information.
WARNING: The Proxmark3 is a research and development tool. It has not been evaluated for compliance with regulations governing transmission and reception of radio signals. You are responsible for using this product in compliance with your local laws.
Sicherheitshinweis: Penetrationtest Tools Die Verwendung der Pentest Tools unterliegt strikten gesetzlichen Regelungen. Dieses Gerät ist ein leistungsstarkes Werkzeug für Sicherheitsanalysen und Penetrationstests und darf ausschließlich im Einklang mit den geltenden Gesetzen verwendet werden. Es ist strikt untersagt, das Gerät für unautorisierte Netzwerkzugriffe, Datenschutzverletzungen oder andere rechtswidrige Aktivitäten einzusetzen. Stellen Sie sicher, dass Sie vor der Nutzung die ausdrückliche Erlaubnis des Eigentümers des Zielnetzwerks eingeholt haben. Der unsachgemäße Einsatz kann rechtliche Konsequenzen nach sich ziehen, einschließlich strafrechtlicher Verfolgung. Nutzen Sie diese Werkzeuge nur zu ethischen und legalen Zwecken, beispielsweise zur Stärkung der IT-Sicherheit in Ihrem Unternehmen oder bei autorisierten Tests. Hersteller und der Händler übernehmen keine Haftung für Schäden, die durch den Missbrauch dieses Geräts entstehen. Es liegt in der Verantwortung des Nutzers, alle lokalen Gesetze und Vorschriften einzuhalten.
+49 (0)89 520 462 110muenchen(at)