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  • Premium IT-Security Produkte
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Pi Cast KVM With Ethernet/ATX/Console HAT

425,00 €
inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand
Nicht auf Lager
Lieferzeit: 5 Tag(e)


PI Cast KVM With Ethernet/ATX/Console HAT

A pocket-sized version of Pi-Cast for on-the-move diagnostics. Provides support for HDMI capture and USB simulation. Does not support ATX power control. Comes pre-assembled with CM4 (P/N CM4002000), heat sink, fan, and enclosure. Includes a USB 3.0 Type-C cable, a USB Type-A to Type-C cable, and an HDMI cable

Pi-Cast KVM is a portable, open-source KVM-over-IP device built around the Raspberry Pi CM4. It allows you to manage servers and workstations remotely, no matter what operating system they happen to be running. In fact, it works even if your target systems have not yet had an OS installed, are failing to boot into the OS they do have, require pre-OS maintenance like BIOS configuration, or are physically powered down.

Pi-Cast KVM is a life saver for system administrators, security engineers, hardware support staff, and other IT professionals looking to save time, energy, and money by reducing the frequency of on-site visits. It’s also a powerful tool for DIY enthusiasts who need an efficient, convenient, low-cost way to manage their devices. With Pi-Cast KVM, you can restart target systems, install BIOS updates, and troubleshoot other low-level issues, all through a web browser.