LimeNet Micro Aluminium
LimeNet Micro SDR is a low cost, open source, apps-enabled software defined radio (SDR) platform. LimeNet Micro, Aluminium Case, Antennas
LimeNet Micro SDR Aluminium
LimeNEt Micro SDR Including Aluminium Case and Antennas.
Limenet Micro SDR can drive low-cost, multi-lingual cellular base stations and wireless IoT gateways, and are used for various academic, industrial, hobbyist, and scientific SDR applications, such as radio astronomy. This is a board that will allow you to do a lot of RF hacking.
LimeNET Micro makes deploying wireless networks more accessible than ever before, by extending the LimeNET line of integrated hardware solutions via an ultra-low cost platform that is capable of supporting narrowband systems, such as GSM and IoT wireless standards, in a stand-alone configuration.
As with existing integrated LimeNET platforms, the new LimeNET Micro is built on the very same revolutionary field-programmable RF (FPRF) technology and features the LMS7002M transceiver at its heart. However, this highly cost-optimised, single board solution also integrates GPS for high-accuracy timing, active Power-over-Ethernet (PoE), and embedded compute for fully standalone operation.
In utilising the Raspberry Pi Compute Module 3+, LimeNET Micro builds on previous platforms to further democratise wireless networks in much the same way that the Raspberry Pi has democratised embedded computing.
Given its incredibly low price point and highly integrated nature, there are endless application possibilities for LimeNET Micro, ranging from cellular networks and IoT, through spectrum monitoring, test and measurement, amateur radio, and radio astronomy.
Example Use Cases
Inexpensive enterprise and personal networks
Rural, autonomous, and resilient networks
Universal IoT communications hubs
Rapid deployment infrastructure for emergency response
Remote radio solutions for amateur radio and radio astronomy
Integration into application-specific RF appliances
Radio spectrum survey
Passive wireless geolocation
PHY and security research
RF-aware robotics
Features & Specifications
RF transceiver: Lime Microsystems LMS7002M
FPGA: Intel Altera MAX 10 (10M16SAU169C8G)
169-pin FBGA package
16K LEs
549 KB M9K memory
2,368 KB user flash memory
4 x fractional phase locked loops (PLLs)
45 x 18x18-bit multipliers
130 x general purpose input/output (GPIO)
Single supply voltage
Flash feature
FPGA configuration via JTAG
GNSS module: u-blox NEO-M8Q-0-10
Supports BeiDou, Galileo, GLONASS, GPS / QZSS
Able to concurrently receive up to three GNSS
–167 dBm navigation sensitivity
EEPROM memory: 2 x 128 KB for RF transceiver MCU firmware and data
Flash memory: 1 x 4 MB flash memory for data
General user inputs/outputs:
5 x dual color (red + green) LED
8 x FPGA GPIO pinheader (3.3 V)
4 x FPGA switches
1 x buzzer
2 x coaxial RF (SMA) connectors (each can be switched between high and low frequency bands)
SMA connector for external clock source in
SMA connector for clock source out
SMA connector for GNSS antenna
Raspberry Pi Touch Screen Display Connector (ribbon cable)
Raspberry Pi Camera (ribbon cable)
HDMI connector
2 x USB 2.0 ports
3.5 mm audio out (Raspberry Pi Compute Module)
FPGA GPIO headers
FPGA JTAG connector
RJ45 connector for Ethernet and IEEE 802.3 active Power-over-Ethernet (PoE)
DDR2 SODIMM connector - only usable for Raspberry Pi Compute Module 3 (or Lite)
MicroSD slot for RPi Compute Module storage
Barrel connector for 12 V DC power
Micro-USB for USB boot of Compute Module
Clock system:
30.72 MHz OCXO: Rakon U7475LF
GPS disciplined for high frequency accuracy and stability
External clock input via SMA connector
Clock output via SMA connector
Board dimensions: 125 mm x 65 mm
Raspberry Pi Compute Module (CM3) Features
A Raspberry Pi Compute Module 3+ is included with every purchase of a LimeNET Micro (excluding early bird units). Raspberry Pi Compute Module 3+ Lite‘s will also work with LimeNET Micro, but would require use of the separate microSD slot.
ARM Cortex-A53 Broadcom BCM2837 SoC - quad-core, 1.2 GHz
8 GB eMMC flash
Free & Open Source
As with the LimeSDR family, the LimeNET Micro is a free and open source project. We will be releasing code, firmware, schematics, layout, and associated project files via MyriadRF shortly.
Lime Suite
The LimeNET Micro uses the same host-side software as previous LimeNET integrated systems, called Lime Suite. Lime Suite is entirely open source and supports a variety of software-defined radios and APIs. You can learn more about Lime Suite at its GitHub repository and MyriadRF project page.
PantaHub lets you connect your devices and transform them into bare-metal infrastructure. Designed for deeply embedded and high-grade enterprise systems alike, the Pantavisor device agent and PantaHub are the perfect choice for the management of Linux devices and their firmware lifecycles.
The PantaHub base image will be pre-loaded onto all Compute Modules included in the Aluminum Kit.
Sicherheitshinweis: Penetrationtest Tools Die Verwendung der Pentest Tools unterliegt strikten gesetzlichen Regelungen. Dieses Gerät ist ein leistungsstarkes Werkzeug für Sicherheitsanalysen und Penetrationstests und darf ausschließlich im Einklang mit den geltenden Gesetzen verwendet werden. Es ist strikt untersagt, das Gerät für unautorisierte Netzwerkzugriffe, Datenschutzverletzungen oder andere rechtswidrige Aktivitäten einzusetzen. Stellen Sie sicher, dass Sie vor der Nutzung die ausdrückliche Erlaubnis des Eigentümers des Zielnetzwerks eingeholt haben. Der unsachgemäße Einsatz kann rechtliche Konsequenzen nach sich ziehen, einschließlich strafrechtlicher Verfolgung. Nutzen Sie diese Werkzeuge nur zu ethischen und legalen Zwecken, beispielsweise zur Stärkung der IT-Sicherheit in Ihrem Unternehmen oder bei autorisierten Tests. Hersteller und der Händler übernehmen keine Haftung für Schäden, die durch den Missbrauch dieses Geräts entstehen. Es liegt in der Verantwortung des Nutzers, alle lokalen Gesetze und Vorschriften einzuhalten.
+49 (0)89 520 462 110muenchen(at)